Welcome to HUMGRAECA 1.0!
This database is designed to give information about Humanist Greek texts from the sixteenth century until today, including:
- the persons connected to these texts: the authors, but also the addressees, dedicatees, printers and other concerned persons;
- the Greek text itself, including the incipitia, the prosodic type, genre, and, if known and relevant, also heading, formal patterns, occasions and the date;
- the type of texts (print, manuscript, epigraphy, internet source), information (if known) about its date and place, re-editions, as well as other relevant information (printer, title of the work/collection etc);
- the information needed to access these texts, including references and/or to national (or other) bibliographies, holding institutions, if possible, links to electronic catalogues and digitalisations;
In the first phase of the work, we have included the information about Humanist Greek texts from and connected to the Nordic countries.

Cubus poem by Elias Unonius Gavelius.
Source: Olof Unonius praes., Johannes Aurivillius resp.,
Disputatio physica de anima in genere. Uppsala 1633. Uppsala UL.
In the header: Johannes Gezelius, Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Tartu 1649. Tartu UL. https://dspace.ut.ee/handle/10062/14175.
The material for the database has been collected, recorded, and described in the framework of Helleno-Nordica. The Humanist Greek Heritage of the Swedish Empire (2017–2022), Swedish Research Council Project number 2016-01881, PI Johanna Akujärvi, Lund (link). The database structure and the present design of the database interface have been created at Tartu University Library (coordinator Janika Päll, programmer Martin Pajuste), in close collaboration with Johanna Akujärvi (Lund U) and Tua Korhonen (Helsinki U) and help and advice from Erkki Sironen (Helsinki U), Evelin Arust and Marilyn Fridolin (Tartu UL).
The initial idea for the database of preserved Humanist Greek texts was conceived during the last years of Estonian Research Agency’s grant PUT 132 Humanist Greek in Early Modern Estonia and Livonia: a bridge to modern and ancient European culture (lead Janika Päll, Tartu UL, 2013-2016). We thank Anneli Sepp (Tartu UL) for her good advice in this phase.
Last modified: 10.01.2023